Benjamin W. Sebree, Esq.


Sebree Law Firm PLLC

Phone: 512-925-3840

Ben Sebree is an attorney and well-known governmental relations practitioner. Having served as Vice-President and General Counsel for the Texas Oil and Gas Association,

having been elected to the Governing Council of the Oil, Gas and Energy Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, having been appointed by Governor Perry to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, and possessing a long and effective career in Austin,

Sebree's governmental and legal expertise is well recognized.

Ben occupies a highly respected tenure in the Austin legal and lobby communities with a reputation for integrity, intelligence, tenacity, and fairness which have accorded him with an unusual longevity of positive relationships with elected officials.

Ben possesses an institutional knowledge of Texas legislative, regulatory, and public

policy matters, especially regarding energy, geothermal, oil & gas, water, tax, and

environmental matters including the varying positions of different industry sectors,

business entities, and interested parties.